Accessing auto-saved versions of email drafts

Level 1

Accessing auto-saved versions of email drafts

Hi all, 

Does anyone know of a way to view past auto-saved versions of an email draft (not yet approved and closed)?

For context: I have been working on creating a custom email template that uses one of the pre-built Marketo templates as a base.  I had been working on adding new sections to the code from some other pre-built templates in the system.  It was fully functional and looking great with no issues.  I had opened up the editor multiple times to keep working with no issues as well and the whole email had been saved.  Yesterday, I hopped on to continue working and realized that the template had reverted back to contain only the modules that had been originally coded into the pre-built Marketo template - the variable definitions I added are still there, but all of the code for the actual modules I built is gone.    Any thoughts or ideas on this?  Has this happened to anyone else?