Accessing a list in a different workspace

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Accessing a list in a different workspace

I have set up a separate workspace (workspace2) for a partner to upload lists into and it works great.  However now what I want to do is be able to access that list (through a smart list) from another workspace (workspace1) to see if they have participated in any of our campaigns.
For example I want leads who are 

Member of program A (in workspace 1) and 'was added to list' = 'workspace 2 list'

What I am trying to accomplish is finding the overlap of leads.
Does this make sense?
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Level 10

Re: Accessing a list in a different workspace

Unfortunately you can't see assets across workspaces. Assuming both workspaces are linked to the same Lead Partition, you can use a field value to do this comparison (e.g. make sure they populate a unique lead source value).