Re: About Alert mail

Level 2

About Alert mail

Text that has been new line in the text box is displayed without line breaks in the alert mail.

Please let me know if there is a solution.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: About Alert mail

Need more info - are you sending a text-only Alert?  Does this behavior differ if you send the same asset as an Email vs. as an Alert?  What's the exact body content you're sending (highlight it using the Syntax Highlighter so it's readable)?

Level 2

Re: About Alert mail

Thanks for message.

>are you sending a text-only Alert?

yes,only text


>Does this behavior differ if you send the same asset as an Email vs. as an Alert?

Emails and alerts are the same asset.


>  What's the exact body content you're sending (highlight it using the Syntax Highlighter so it's readable)?

Soryy,I don't know the answer to the question.


For example,If you fill in the form as follows, it will be displayed like this in the warning email.



Q.If you have qualification, please describe.





Q.If you have qualification, please describe.



Sorry for not answering the question.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: About Alert mail

What is the database field type (in Field Management)?


And what is the form field input type?


And how are you embedding the field in the email?