Hi Josh,
My campaign consistes for 8 different emails. I am testing the campaign on my seed list, which is 15 email addresses (this is where emails 9-15 come in).
What I had in mind when I set up the random sample choice in the flow step was that the campaign would send every email address a different email (from email #1- email #8). So, once it send the first 8 email addresses in the campaign email #1-email #8, then it would start again and the 9th email address in the campaign would receive email #1, then email address 10 would receive email #2, and so on.
When I originally set up my campaign with:
If Random Sample is 12 Send #1
If Random Sample is 13 Send #2
If Random Sample is 12 Send #3
If Random Sample is 13 Send #4
If Random Sample is 12 Send #5
If Random Sample is 13 Send #6
If Random Sample is 12 Send #7
Default: Send email #8
I thought that was the proper way to do it. And when I sent the campaign to my seed list, the campaign would properly send emails 1-8, but the rest of the email addresses afterwards would only receive the default email #8.
I am a little confused about your suggestion about 8 seperate randomly generated lists? Can you help explain