Re: 2 static lists, 2 leads, 1 email address - can you get a dupe email?

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2 static lists, 2 leads, 1 email address - can you get a dupe email?


This is my smart campaign:

smart list: 2 static lists

campaign: if in static list 1, send email. if in static list 2, send email

if i have 2 lead records, but they have the same email address, and they exist in both static lists, will it be deduped upon send if you can only run through the flow once?


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Level 5

Re: 2 static lists, 2 leads, 1 email address - can you get a dupe email?

Whether or not Marketo will send multiple emails to a single person depends on how you set the campaign up and is based on 3 factors:

  1. Whether the campaign is a triggered campaign or a batch campaign (Whether the campaign runs when something happens or is run on all leads at once)
  2. Whether you've set the decision made up as a single choice or as a series of choices (Whether your rules are to decide whether to send an email based on static list membership, or which email to send based on membership)
  3. When each lead is entered into the campaign (whether the leads were created closely together)

In general these 3 factors play into it as follows:

  • If you are using a triggered campaign it will send to all leads regardless of a shared email address
  • If you are using a batch campaign it will only make each decision once per email address
    • If your flow is a single decision (If list A send email A, If list B send email B, Else do nothing) each address will receive a single email
    • If your flow is a series of decisions (If list A send email A, else do nothing --> If list B send email B, else do nothing --> etc) then a single email address may receive multiple emails if different records match different decisions.
  • If you have a recurring batch campaign:
    • If the leads both enter the database and qualify together they may receive a single email (see above)
    • If the leads enter the database and qualify separately they may receive mulitple emails if the recurrence takes place between lead A and lead B being created

Hope this helps


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Re: 2 static lists, 2 leads, 1 email address - can you get a dupe email?

Are you using "choices" in the flow step or two separate flow steps? If two flow steps, Marketo will send two emails. If using choices, Marketo will send only once (first choice that qualifies).

Level 5

Re: 2 static lists, 2 leads, 1 email address - can you get a dupe email?

Whether or not Marketo will send multiple emails to a single person depends on how you set the campaign up and is based on 3 factors:

  1. Whether the campaign is a triggered campaign or a batch campaign (Whether the campaign runs when something happens or is run on all leads at once)
  2. Whether you've set the decision made up as a single choice or as a series of choices (Whether your rules are to decide whether to send an email based on static list membership, or which email to send based on membership)
  3. When each lead is entered into the campaign (whether the leads were created closely together)

In general these 3 factors play into it as follows:

  • If you are using a triggered campaign it will send to all leads regardless of a shared email address
  • If you are using a batch campaign it will only make each decision once per email address
    • If your flow is a single decision (If list A send email A, If list B send email B, Else do nothing) each address will receive a single email
    • If your flow is a series of decisions (If list A send email A, else do nothing --> If list B send email B, else do nothing --> etc) then a single email address may receive multiple emails if different records match different decisions.
  • If you have a recurring batch campaign:
    • If the leads both enter the database and qualify together they may receive a single email (see above)
    • If the leads enter the database and qualify separately they may receive mulitple emails if the recurrence takes place between lead A and lead B being created

Hope this helps
