1 form but several submissions

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1 form but several submissions

As a Marketo Newbie, I wasn’t sure how to respond to this question one of our sales guys asked. 

We collect several leads from events and they normally enter them into an excel document. I would like to setup a form for them to submit them (on site) at the event for several automation reasons and to avoid exchanging CSV files. 

So I was wondering what would happen if I made a form with more than 1 "first name" "last name" and "email" field. Something like this for sales to save entry time:

First Name Last Name Email
First Name Last Name Email
First Name Last Name Email
First Name Last Name Email

and then they click submits. Will it enter 4 leads? Or will it overwrite the same lead or nothing at all? 

I thought I would ask before spending time building everything out in Salesforce and Marketo. 

Has anyone doe this?


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Re: 1 form but several submissions

it should overwrite the same lead assuming the information is the same 

I believe it will create a seperate lead if its different email addresses 
Level 10

Re: 1 form but several submissions

Hey Stephen, you shouldn't be able to add the exact same field to a form more than once -- you'd have to create custom fields for this, but they'd all be written to a single record. Therefore, it doesn't sound like this would accomplish what you're looking for. 
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Re: 1 form but several submissions

They're going to have a list of leads they would just like to enter more then one at a time and clicking submit to bach import leads into marketo while at the event. So they would each be different Neames, and email addresses. 

So you think as long as they're different it should work?
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Re: 1 form but several submissions

  Dory, do you think that there is any way to accomplish this within marketo? Or would I have to setup a custom form?
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Re: 1 form but several submissions

Hi Stephen,
I am looking for a similar solution. But how would you capture follow up notes for each of the leads?

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Re: 1 form but several submissions

Good question on the back end I would probably attach a campaign to the form. Or have a pre-filled hidden field. 
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Re: 1 form but several submissions

Hi Stephen,

I'm not sure that what you're talking about would work systematically.  A form submission, regardless of the number of unique fields you have (name #1, name #2, name #3) will likely update a single record - not create individual ones.  You'd then have the task of separating out your leads from a single record.

I have used a Marketo form/landing page with my Sales Reps to avoid manually collecting leads (paper or spreadsheet), and as long as you use an incognito browser (or otherwise disable the cookies), you can have a single device collect unique submissions, but it's always been one at a time as opposed to a bulk submission.

I can definitely see where it would be nice to have this ability though!
Level 10

Re: 1 form but several submissions

Aside from the real-time aspect, how would this be any different from adding people to an excel and uploading them? It seems like this would be a better method for doing this. 
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Re: 1 form but several submissions

@jessica You're right and I already have that setup. But The sales guys were concerned about larger events where we might have to resort to paper leads. I told them just to enter them in the form during downtime and I got a little push back from having them enter "click submit" every lead. But that’s not any more time consuming then all the back and forth between everyone with excel documents and whatnot.
Okay, so this doesn’t look like it’s going to work.
Thanks guys!