Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Taking a practice Test

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Thank you Carissa! I will check out the module education guide as well! I think I will need to revisit the Marketo workspace part as I was too rush to finish the text when replying the thread last time.

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Thanks Carissa! 

  1. D
  2. A and C
  3. A

CRM SYNC: In regards to CRM Syncs, I noticed there were resources in the prep guide for both SFDC & Microsoft dynamic. I would assume the test doesn't expect you to know both CRMs, but rather concepts that are relevant to both. Am I right in that thinking? 


One area I'm keen to learn more about is archiving- specifically:

- Pros & cons of archiving folders and assets (e.g. does it free up processing/sync power?)

- If anyone has a routine/business process when it comes to archiving? 

Level 4 - Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Excellent, all correct! 

Regarding CRM sync, yes you are also correct - for Expert level it is worded more CRM agnostic and about concepts true in CRM syncing in general - this is a smaller part of the exam so it isn't many questions either.  It's good to know basics about either if you can, but I've never had to learn more than that about Dynamics myself.  🙂


Great!  We have a super robust process where I'm currently at for archiving - Marketo will send you inactive trigger cleanup reports quarterly, so we review the list and archive every six months. Yearly (in summer usually due to campaign volume) we archive campaigns that are 3 years old or older that aren't evergreen. Make sure to deactivate landing pages, because even if you convert it to an archive folder the landing pages will still be accessible if left approved!  In former roles, we did similar but only once a year - usually over the holidays because that was the slowest time.

Very interested in what anyone else is doing or has had experience with!


The main benefit i've seen from archiving is that it does help search run faster since it deprioritizes archive folders in the search. The larger your instance, the more impact you'll see from maintaining those best practices.


I'm going to post the monday intro to the next section shortly in a new comment - over the weekend the links to the Exam Prep Guide changed, so make sure to update your bookmarks if you have them!

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Thank you! 


RE: Archive process - that is great! Our instance could definitely use some 'spring cleaning'. Thank you for sharing. 

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Yep...I'm playing catch up as well. Here are my answers.

Question 1:  Audit Trail

What is the primary purpose of the audit trail feature in Marketo Engage? (pick 1)


Question 2:  Field Management 

The following is true about system managed fields in Marketo: (pick 2)



Question 3: Workspaces & Partitions


Level 4 - Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

No worries at all - all your answers are correct!  Awesome work.  If you have any areas you'd like to look into more for the Admin section, let me know - I can create a few more questions around it in future weeks or share experience/best practice to round out your knowledge.  Thank you for being involved!

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Hi @CarissaRussell ,
Thank you for your time preparing the questions for us. Below are my answer for Week One Quiz. 

Q1: D
Q2: A and C
Q3: A

I have question, will there be (Pick 1), (Pick 2 ) in actual exam?


Thank you,


Level 4 - Champion

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Thank you Maw!  All of your answers are correct  🙂  Thanks for participating!

I have not taken the exam since it's most recent update, but yes - they do note the required amount of answers if there is more than one!

Level 4 - Champion

🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟

Hey there group, thanks to those who got started - feel free to jump right in, and answer any previously posted questions!


How do you participate with this group in the weekly thread?

  1. Subscribe to this thread
  2. On Mondays I will highlight the module we will be focusing on in the Exam Prep Guide via this mentor thread.
  3. Review the weekly module in the Exam Prep Guide (5 weeks, 4 modules - test at the end!) 
  4. On Fridays I will post a module related "quiz question" and you can reply with your answers.


Week two is the bulk of the exam with 46% of the total and represents where most of us have our experience in, Marketing Activities/Campaign Management.

This section is designed to test your ability to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of Smart Campaigns, logic, constraints, and flow steps
  • Given a scenario, define the next step
  • Identify the root cause of a problem
  • Interpret the relationship between programs, channels, tags, and period cost
  • Demonstrate/apply the correct configuration to Engagement Programs
  • Give examples of usage for different types of tokens
  • Summarize the utility of Webhooks in Marketo and how they are used
  • Identify and apply the appropriate use of the PMCF
  • Explain the benefits of Global Assets and how to use them
  • Demonstrate the capabilities of forms
  • Perform and analyze an A/B test strategy
  • Apply best practices around A/B testing
  • Identify where a program or asset has been referenced with ‘Used By’
  • Troubleshoot communication limits
  • Use Webinar provider information in an event program
  • Explain the process of performing a quality check on any Marketo program
  • Explain the process of performing a quality check on an email

Depending on where your experience is, you may want to check out this great self-guided education post outside of the exam prep to dive deeper into needed areas.


Thanks for those that answered on friday, I will post some new questions and in the meantime if you have anything that pops up, reply here so we can chat!

Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Taking a practice Test

@CarissaRussell can I take the practice test for free?  I logged in to practice test site and it showed that I needed to redeem a code.


Also-I have no idea if I set up my Adobe Credential Managment profile correctly. Is there a way you can review and make sure I set it up properly?  It's associated with my current work email address.  What if I change jobs--how will I get back to this site and confirm my credentials?  

Thanks for your help. 

Nicole Behnke