Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Level 2

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

LOL...I have been to Cleveland.  We drove through a couple of summers ago when we were headed out East for vacation.  My husband also has a client there and loves it. We did hit a couple of good restaurants there and loved the cute waterfront area there.

Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

ha!  That's awesome, it is a great city to stop in with a variety of things to do. Good food is a hobby for me here, so if you are ever in the area (with your husbands client, etc) and want recommendations feel free to hit me up!  Best pho and frites fried in duck fat ever, among soooo much else, haha 

Level 3

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟


My name is Nicole Behnke.  I am the Senior Manager, Marketing Operations at PowerSchool (a SaaS software company for Ed Tech).  I have been in marketing automation for over 10 years, and use Marketo on a daily basis.  I worked in many marketing automation platforms and Marketo is the best.  I am looking forward to getting certified and gaining a deeper knowledge of Marketo. 

Nicole Behnke
Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Welcome Nicole! Sounds like you and I have similar experience, love that you've been working in the platform for so long! I hope to help you round out any areas of knowledge you feel you could use mentorship in - looking forward to it!

Level 4 - Champion

πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟

Hey there group, if you are in the US hope you enjoyed a long weekend and everyone has eased into getting started!


How do you participate with this group in the weekly thread?

  1. Make sure to subscribe to this thread so you are notified and can watch for the weekly posts.
  2. On Mondays I will highlight the module we will be focusing on in the Exam Prep Guide via this mentor thread.
  3. Review the weekly module in the Exam Prep Guide (5 weeks, 4 modules) - If you have any questions while working through the prep guide, or while working through any additional self-guided lessons, post here and tag me so I can help work through it.  Don't be shy, I'm here to help you!
  4. On Fridays I will post a module related "quiz question" that focuses on the skills we are learning that week (if areas have been highlighted by the group, I'll focus there) and you can reply with your answers.


Starting out, week one hits one of the harder sections to get experience with in my opinion, and for this exam level, Administration and Maintenance represents 12% of the overall exam score.

It covers the following topics:

  • Determine the mapping process between Marketo and CRM
  • Identify what happened to an asset using the Audit Trail
  • Recognize differences between users and roles
  • Given a scenario, identify the best fit for using workspace and partitions
  • Identify CRM platforms with native Marketo synchronization
  • Given a scenario, locate where information is referenced

A lot of these points can depend on how the organization you work with has implemented the product - With it being a smaller part of the exam, you don't have to worry about being too in-depth here, but it's good to have a basic knowledge of how everything is plugged in, mapped and monitored - which is more along the knowledge level this exam is looking for.


Check out the prep guide for this week and if you have any areas above you want to make sure are covered, let me know here.  I'll post our first prep question related to the above on Friday - good luck, and let's get going!  ❀️ 

Level 4 - Champion

πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Hey there group! @M_Zin,  @Nicole_B_25, @tianalexys, @kdavid, @Keiyin2024, @mnarendrareddy
Happy Friday! Hope you've had time to log in and check out the Exam Prep Guide - Section one, on Administration and Maintenance is what we're looking at first!  It breaks it down into pretty logical sections, I picked a few of what I think are the top areas to keep in mind for our weekly quiz.

Question 1:  Audit Trail

What is the primary purpose of the audit trail feature in Marketo Engage? (pick 1)

  1. To analyze the performance of email campaigns and generate detailed reports on open and click rates.
  2. To automate the creation of personalized marketing content based on user behavior and preferences.
  3. To integrate third-party applications and manage API connections within the Marketo platform.
  4. To track changes and updates made to marketing assets and records, providing a detailed history of user activities for compliance and troubleshooting.

Question 2:  Field Management 

The following is true about system managed fields in Marketo: (pick 2)

  1. System-managed fields are predefined by Marketo and automatically updated by the system to track important data points such as lead creation date and email bounce status.
  2. System-managed fields can be manually edited by users to correct any discrepancies in lead data.
  3. System-managed fields help ensure data integrity by maintaining consistent and accurate information across the platform.
  4. System-managed fields are primarily used for customizing email templates and landing pages to better target specific audience segments.

Question 3: Workspaces & Partitions
What is the primary difference between a Marketo workspace and a Marketo partition and how they function within the platform? (pick 1)

  1. A Marketo workspace is used to segment and manage different sets of marketing assets and campaigns, while a Marketo partition is used to segment and manage different sets of lead data within a single instance.
  2. A Marketo workspace is used to create custom reports and dashboards, while a Marketo partition is used to store historical campaign data.
  3. A Marketo workspace is designed for organizing user roles and permissions, while a Marketo partition is designed for managing email deliverability settings.
  4. A Marketo workspace is primarily for managing CRM integrations, while a Marketo partition is primarily for managing landing page designs.


All of these docs can be found within sections from the first part of the Exam Prep Guide which guides you through step by step. As a reminder, we get to nominate mentees for perks, so give these questions a shot and let me know what you're most interested in focusing on learning more about! 


Next week we will check out Section 2: Marketing Activities/Campaign Management of the Exam Prep Guide which is 46% of the overall exam - Have a great weekend.

Level 2

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Sorry Carissa, my work schedule is very packed since last week and until Jun 7. So I think I will need to catch up the prep from week 3. I will do my best!


Are we going to share answers via this thread? I don't know how this works so I am just sending it here. Thank you.

Q1: D

Q2: A and C

Q3: C

Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

No worries! Last week was a holiday and some countries had elections, etc so there were a lot of slow starts - there's a practice test at the end and I'm here to answer any questions you have along the way so hopefully you can get what you need out of it!  

Yep, you did it just right - just reply to the friday post with your answers!

1 & 2 are correct, great work!  3 is A as the correct answer.  Email deliverability is set in admin and monitored in UI/in additional products - so it is not tied to workspaces or partitions like that.  I like to think of Partitions as hard walled containers for the people data that lives in Marketo, and Workspaces as soft walls for the data, but functions as hard walls for your assets and user permissions, and is how you manage that within Marketo.  

It's one of the harder things to get a grasp of, especially if you aren't an admin user - but luckily the questions about this are not very in-depth, and if you have the understanding above of which one (partition/workspace) interacts with what kind of data (person/lead data, assets/marketo users) you'll have it!


I'll post the intro to this week in a comment below, over the weekend the Exam Prep Guide links updated, so make sure to update your bookmarks if you have them!

Additionally, there's this great self-guided module education here, if you like video learning and have some areas you want to focus on.

Level 3

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

@CarissaRussell  I am a little embarrassed.  I missed seeing that you were posting quiz's to help us and just asked a silly question about taking a practice test.  I am not sure why I was not notified that I missing out on threads.  Is there a way to have the most recent threads be on the first page?  I kept looking at our group and only seeing our initial responses of when we first started.  

I am a little behind, but I will catch up.  Thanks again for helping us through this. 

Nicole Behnke
Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK ONE 🌟 Friday Quiz

Don't be, it's not been entirely easy to figure out on my side either - we're working through it!  (I'm probably responding to this comment late, lol) I wish there was a way to better nest discussions on this thread but I don't think there's a way to see recent posts on the first page.


If you pop in this thread on Mondays/Fridays and look for my comment, you'll be right on track!  There are 4 modules across 5 weeks, and the last week will focus on the practice test through the Exam Prep Guide and any wrap-up areas we want to go over.  If you have any subjects you'd like to dive deeper on, you can either ask on the Monday comment or post with your Friday quiz answers and we can chat through it!  Thanks for taking part!