Salesforce Locale Update from JDK to ICU - Impact on Marketo Sales Insight

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee


  • There is no major impact to the MSI experience with the upcoming Locale format change from JDK to ICU. However, you may see an error in MSI because some of the API versions are out of date.
  • The errors you are receiving with the MSI package are because is because it might be using an API version older then 45. The latest MSI package (2.6) uses API version 50, upgrading to this package will resolve the errors.


Salesforce is deprecating the JDK Locale Formats and forcing a migration to the ICU Locale Formats with the Spring '25 Salesforce update. However, if the Salesforce instance contains Apex classes, Apex Triggers and Visualforce pages that don't meet the minimum required API version 45.0, the administrator will receive an error message saying the upgrade has not completed fully and that ICU locale formats will not be enabled.


The MSI package 1.9 contains Apex classes below this API version, and therefore customers with this installed will receive the error message when their instances are upgraded to the Spring ’25 Salesforce release that will try to enable ICU formats.

The update for Spring ’25 will check all the apps and see to make sure they are using version older then 45. Customer will receive an email to say it will fail and need to manually enable it once upgrade is complete.


How to resolve?


Upgrade your MSI package to the latest 2.6 version to resolve the errors. See how here.

Note – if you have already done the update to Salesforce Spring ’25 then after upgrading your MSI package you will need to manually enable your locale settings to ICU. If you upgrade MSI before doing the update to Salesforce Spring ’25 then the update to ICU will automatically happen.

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