Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Leads with Bizible Touchpoints

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

*Posted on behalf of internal Bizible expert Pierre Cirac*


In this post, we are focusing on reporting on Bizible Touchpoints (BTs). BTs are used for understanding all marketing interactions related to people, as they contain the complete touchpoint history for each person. As a reminder, these touchpoints are created in CRM for the anonymous First Touch, the Lead Creation Touch, and any subsequent form submission or touchpoint that you choose to sync from an offline campaign or activity. Below, we are going to dive deeper into how Bizible Touchpoints relate to leads.




1. New Leads By Marketing Channel


Summarizing your Lead’s Bizible Touchpoint data by the field ‘Marketing Channel’ is the highest level view that represents what channels/tactics are influencing new Leads into creation. Structuring this report around a ‘Date Type’ = “Created Date” ensures a cohort of ‘net new Leads’ (when the Lead was created in your CRM) is established in the report. 



What marketing channels are influencing Leads into creation?

Report Type

Leads and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)

Metric: Leads (Bizible Discover)

Date Field / Date Type

Lead Created Date (CRM) / Created Date (Discover)

Date Range

select desired date range

Group / Dimension

Marketing Channel

Optimal Models

First Touch, Lead Creation, U-Shaped

*SUM the ‘Count’ fields in your CRM reports (Count - First Touch, Count - Lead Creation, Count - U-Shaped)


Pro Tip: For any ‘Leads with Bizible Touchpoints’ report type, start by customizing the pre-built report titled ‘Bizible 101 | Leads by Channel’. This report is available out-of-the box and is a great sandbox pre-built as described in the table above and can quickly be customized for more specific reporting needs.

2. New Leads by Campaign (or more granular insights)


For more granular insight into the data summarized in the ‘New Leads by Marketing Channel’ report, add an additional summary at the campaign level. This will allow you to not only understand what ‘Marketing Channels’ are driving new Leads into creation, but more specifically, what campaigns within those channels are performing the best:



What campaigns are influencing Leads into creation?

Report Type

Leads and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)

Metric: Leads (Bizible Discover)

Date Field / Date Type

Lead Created Date / Created Date (Discover)

Date Range

select desired date range

Group / Dimension

Ad Campaign Name (CRM) / Campaign (Discover)

Optimal Models

First Touch, Lead Creation, U-Shaped

*SUM the ‘Count’ fields in your CRM reports (Count - First Touch, Count - Lead Creation, Count - U-Shaped)


Pro Tip: Get even more granular insight by summarizing the report with other available fields from the Bizible Touchpoint object. Do this by setting additional groupings (CRM) or dimensions (Discover). Depending on the channel (which may be representative of your role), there may be additional details beyond the campaign level in which you’re looking to gain insight. Let’s drill into ‘Paid Search’ for example:



Which keywords from my Paid Search ads are influencing Leads into creation?

Report Type

Leads and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)

Metric: Leads (Bizible Discover)


Marketing Channel = Paid Search

Date Field / Date Type

Lead Created Date (CRM) / Created Date (Discover)

Date Range

select desired date range

Group / Dimension

Keyword Text (CRM) / Keyword (Discover)

Optimal Models

First Touch, Lead Creation, U-Shaped

*SUM the ‘Count’ fields in your CRM reports (Count - First Touch, Count - Lead Creation, Count - U-Shaped)


The level of granularity may vary by channel. The recommended approach would be to ask yourself, “what about ‘channel X’ am I looking to understand in more detail?”. Paid Search Managers may also be interested in additional dimensions such as:

  • Ad Campaign Name
  • Ad Content 
  • Ad Group


Events Managers however may be more interested in which specific Events or which types of Events influenced the most Leads into creation:

  • Ad Campaign Name / Salesforce Campaign = specific Event
  • Medium = Campaign ‘Type’


REMINDER: additional filters may need to be added to any of the report variations outlined above or below. These filters would be specific to your organization and would be something that your Marketing Ops or Sales Ops teams could help advise. It’s not uncommon for an organization to run the same filters across all reports to ensure the report is as clean and accurate as possible. Common examples could be:


  • Filtering out any internal records from tests, usually by email address
  • Filtering based on certain ‘Record Types’ that may be specific to your business unit


3. New Leads by Content (CRM only)



What content is influencing my Leads into creation?

Report Type

Leads and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)

Date Field

Lead Created Date

Date Range

select desired date range

Group / Dimension

Landing Page

Form URL

Optimal Models

First Touch, Lead Creation, U-Shaped

REMINDER: The two primary fields for reporting on digital content/assets are ‘Landing Page’ and ‘Form URL’. These two values may be the same if the Lead converts (submits a form) on the same page in which they “landed” (Landing Page), however, sometimes these values are different. For example, the Lead may click a link on Facebook that takes them to a page of your website (this would be the ‘Landing Page’ value). The Lead may then navigate away from that page, continue their session on the site, and end up submitting a form on another page (Form URL). This would be summarized in a single touchpoint that represents where the Lead came from (Marketing Channel), what content brought them to the site (Landing Page), and what content they ended up downloading (Form URL). ‘Form URL’ is also the go-to field for reporting on other forms not associated with downloadable content such as ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Demo Request’ forms. 


Pro Tip #1: get insight into specific ‘content’ with additional filters


  • Filter by: ‘Landing Page’ CONTAINS (for example):
  • /blog
  • /ebook
  • /webinar


  • OR: ‘Form URL’ CONTAINS (for example)
  • /contact
  • /demo


‘Content’ based reports provide great value when reporting on any part of the funnel, however they are most commonly used at the top of the funnel to provide additional insight into a Leads initial engagement. Considering “Organic Search” tends to be the strongest channel at driving initial engagement (FT), there isn’t as much ‘Campaign’ level data. ‘Content’ based reports are great for gaining insight into what’s driving Leads more specifically within the higher level Marketing Channel. 


4. Total Lead Engagement in a given Date Range



What marketing channels have had the most total Lead engagement in the past (week/month/quarter)?

Report Type

Leads and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)

Metric: Leads (Bizible Discover)

Date Field / Date Type

Touchpoint Date

Date Range

select desired date range

Group / Dimension

Marketing Channel (or more granular)

Optimal Models *

* This report is less about measuring where Leads are coming from with an attribution model but more about the total number of Touchpoints (amount of engagement), inclusive of those after the Lead Creation Touch. The total record count of Touchpoints would reflect which channels have seen the most Lead engagement. 


REMINDER: Basing your reports around ‘Touchpoint Date’ is the most reflective way of understanding marketing performance during a certain date range. ‘Touchpoint Date’ structures the report in a way where the attribution isn’t only related to the channel, campaign, or content, but also shows when the touchpoint occurred. This is the most effective way at understanding what marketing engagement was happening at a certain point in time and also the recommended way of measuring marketing’s impact as it compares to marketing spend invested during the same time. It is recommended when doing any marketing spend or ROI analysis. 


Related Resources: 

Champion Tips & Tricks: Bizible Edition with Justin Norris

Bizible - The ABCs of Marketing Attribution

Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Marketing Qualified Leads with Bizible Touchpoints

Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Bizible Persons with Bizible Touchpoints