October's Top Content

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We thought you would be interested in the top content on the site. So, here are the top documents in the last 30 days

LinkUpdate from Marketo on the EU-US Safe Harbor Framework
LinkLead Nurture Checklist
LinkSeamless Marketo - Google Analytics Integration
LinkGet Involved in the Marketing Nation
LinkEmail Deliverability Cheatsheet
LinkBusiness Logic for Marketo with Salesforce CRM
LinkGlossary of Digital Marketing Terms
LinkMarketing Campaign Brief Templates
LinkMarketo Data Tells Us: What Is the Top Conversion Rate by Channel?
LinkWhat is Purple Select?
LinkNeed a little Folder Structure in your life?
LinkThe Marketing Technologist
LinkMarketo's Marketing Cheat Sheet
LinkDatabase Health Report: Build a quick report on the health of your Marketo DB

Here is the top discussions in the last 30 days

LinkNew Text Editor is ****
LinkSolution to using UTM parameters & cookies to capture lead source information
LinkNew Update for Marketo's Google Mail Extension
LinkMarketo Moments
LinkPro-Tip: Disable Cookies on a Landing Page
LinkAny way to find email addresses 'ends with'?
LinkForm CSS Tip for All Fields
LinkHow Do You Set Up Program "Success" In Marketo?
LinkSetting up your email SPF DNS record with Office 365

What other juicy stats do you want to know?