New Marketo Measure Discover Dashboards!

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Exciting times here at Marketo Measure! There are 9 newly released Discover Dashboards that are already released to ALL Marketo Measure instances. Here's what's new: 


  • Revenue Overview BoardThe Revenue Overview dashboard provides insights into the total revenue derived from your CRM, shedding light on your marketing strategies’ role. It offers an overview of how marketing influences your overall revenue and contributes to the successful closure of deals.
  • Attributed Revenue BoardThe Attributed Revenue Dashboard offers a focused perspective on the revenue directly linked to your marketing endeavors. Explore how your marketing strategies have been instrumental in sealing deals.
  • ROI Board - The ROI Dashboard provides marketers with a granular view of returns on investment across channels, subchannels, and campaigns. It meticulously breaks down cost and revenue patterns, while also spotlighting metrics like cost-per-lead, deal, and opportunity, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of marketing attribution.
  • Engagement Board - The Engagement Dashboard meticulously tracks user engagement metrics. It showcases touchpoints, the number of people engaged, and the average touchpoints per person. Utilize the time series bar chart for a monthly, quarterly, or yearly view, and the bar chart for detailed Channel, Subchannel, and Campaign insights. This tool is essential for understanding engagement patterns and fine-tuning your engagement strategies.
  • Passport Board - The Passport dashboard offers marketers a dynamic view of Leads, Contacts, and Opportunities as they transition through various stages within a specified period. By filtering for a specific date, users can also obtain a snapshot of records for that day.
    • Note that there are TWO boards for Passport-- one for either the Lead or Contact; and one for Opportunities. TOFU & BOFU, basically. 
  • Lead Velocity Board  - The Velocity Dashboard offers a dynamic view into the pace at which prospects move through the sales funnel, providing Marketers and Sales teams with essential insights into conversion times across various channels. This tool is invaluable for answering key questions about lead conversion durations and the efficiency of progression through sales stages, enabling you to optimize your engagement strategies for accelerated growth and conversions.
  • Opportunity Velocity Board - The Velocity Dashboard offers a dynamic view into the pace at which prospects move through the sales funnel, providing Marketers and Sales teams with essential insights into conversion times across various channels. This tool is invaluable for answering key questions about the opportunity lifecycle and efficiency of progression through sales stages, enabling you to optimize your engagement strategies for accelerated growth and conversions.
  • Web Traffic BoardThe Web Traffic Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your site’s visitor interactions. Delve into metrics such as unique visitor counts per URL, overall visits, page views, and form submissions from specific form URLs or landing pages. Monitor monthly traffic trends and identify high-performing paid media, empowering you to refine your strategies for optimal revenue generation.


If you haven't already, take a look and let us know how you're incorporating them into your Marketing reporting! Also important to point out is that many of these boards are still in beta and our teams are looking for feedback so be sure to take this opportunity to share what you'd like to see! 
Going to Adobe Summit in March?? Register for a lab with myself and colleague, @jamesleedom5,  to dive into these new boards and get hands-on experience using them to explore real world reporting scenarios 🙌
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