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A Look Back at Advertising Week 2015

Ad Age

Advertising Week wrapped up last week in New York. This article looks at the eight good, bad and Ugly takeaways from the annual industry event.

Hey Ads, People Are Just Not That Into You


Resounding discussion at Ad Week was around ad blocking and how if ads were better, people wouldn’t block them. The WSJ reports that the ad industry’s problems go deeper than creative issues. Many people are blocking ads because they are a ubiquitous annoyance tracking our every move across the Web.

5 Ways CMOs and CIOs Can Move Beyond the Turf Wars


Marketing and IT have traditionally worked in two different worlds, but as marketing becomes more technologically advanced, CMOs and CIOs are having to work more closely together.

Account-Based Marketing Drives Marketing Success


This article notes why more marketers are using account-based marketing (ABM). In fact, according to a study by Demandbase and Demand Metric, ABM boosts sales and marketing alignment, with 70 percent of ABM users reporting that their sales and marketing organizations are mostly or completely aligned, compared to 51 percent for non-ABM users.