Graduation Time

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I spent the morning at my kids' graduation (they are 5.5 and 4.2 years old). At the event, there was lots of iPhone's snapping photos, lots of singing and lots of chocolate cake. For a few seconds during the ceremony, I thought about the Marketing Nation Community (Yes, I know I shouldn't think about work while I am at a family event). I thought about how we have all graduated from the old site to this new platform, We have gone from a  single Twitter like activity stream to a robust collaborative platform.


Even after some graduations, there's can be more school. I don't know about you, but I always loved school especially when it came to learning, especially when it came to study groups. This new Community presents a great opportunity to learn and share from others.  You can be part of a unique group whether it is a Marketo User Group or your Company Space.  Or you can just reach out to other Members and connect them directly by @mentioning them or sharing content or just commenting on a post. Or you can just go solo and be a lurker -- someone who logs in but just reads other people's posts and documents.

Even though there are lots of ways to connect, we know that this site is in its infancy. I hope you will work closely with the Marketo Community Leaders (​, ​ and I) to build an awesome community. Our vision is for this Marketing Nation Community to become the place on the web where Digital Marketers can collaborate and learn from each other. To solve your Marketo related problems, but also provide a place where you can learn about digital Marketing.

We know we don't have all the answers. While we look forward to leveraging our feedback, our vision for this site is being influenced by some tremendous websites such as,

  • The Khan Academy, the leader in online learning
  • Roblox, an incredible site where kids can develop their own products and applications
  • Spiceworks, a leading community for IT folks
  • The Huffington Post, a leading online publication
  • and others. (By the way, please feel free to recommend a community we can learn from).

We have also learned from some of you this past week:

  • ​ suggested we include a Data Quality section in the
  • ​ suggested we have an easy to way to find Unanswered questions, so we add a big graphic "Unanswered Questions" on the ​ page so you can find them.

OK. Back to the graduation theme. The launch of this site marks a new beginning for Marketing Nation ---for  the Community team and you too. Please let us know how we can make a better place. Let us know what should be tweaked, what sites we can learn from, and what we should add to our roadmap. You can provide your feedback below.