Have you set up a Bizible report and found yourself wondering whether to use a Bizible Touchpoint (BT) or a Bizible Attribution Touchpoint (BAT)? Harnessing the power of these two Bizible features can lead to better, more insight...
**Video re-uploaded in June 2024 Now that you have a strategy for your nurture launch, you'll want to build in an efficient way to leverage existing or new content and apply localization or personalization. However, you may be ...
Reporting on your campaigns is an integral part of effectively planning and pivoting your strategy to increase ROI. Selecting the right Bizible attribution model will help you better forecast marketing goals in relation to reven...
Of the many powerful tools in Marketo Engage, you don’t want to overlook Segmentation. Creating and maintaining Segmentations can empower you and your team to develop more personalized content through your emails and landings pa...
If there’s one thing we all can agree on, it’s that 2020 has been an unusual year. Whether your company pivoted to an all-digital strategy or you picked up some new skills after experiencing job loss, 2020 has been a time for c...
One of the most overlooked indicators – program status – is actually one of the most effective ways to measure campaign success. Not only can you witness an engagement happening, but you can get down in the weeds and see which s...
Last updated: June 2024 In today's revenue-focused marketing landscape, marketers must be able to answer questions such as "Which programs have the highest return on investment?" and "Where can we cut costs and reallocate dollars ...