The below information is not intended to be a sales pitch forMarketo Measure Data Warehouse but to give insight to those who are interested in where the data is hosted, how the data is shared and what the potential next steps woul...
I have worked in Marketo Measure (Bizible) since 2018. I will say when I first started using the tool, the thing that helped me the most in learning what the tool was capable of was diving into the reports and building the custom ...
As a follow up from the May 2021 webinar The A-Z of Bizible Attribution Models, below are answers to questions that we couldn't get to during the Q&A section are located here. If you have further questions, feel free to post them ...
Reporting on your campaigns is an integral part of effectively planning and pivoting your strategy to increase ROI. Selecting the right Bizible attribution model will help you better forecast marketing goals in relation to reve...

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