A New Year, A New Design & Structure In Community!

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Welcome to 2018! We’re starting the new year out on a positive note by rolling out a new design and structure in the Marketing Nation Community with the goal of helping you be more successful with Marketo, more quickly. The new design and structure was reviewed and vetted by many Community members and we truly appreciated all their valuable feedback.

Starting next new week, you will see:

  1. A new home page experience – When you land on the home page, you’ll see a news feed of what’s new and exciting in the Marketing Nation Community. For those of you who have been part of Marketing Nation for several years, it will be like going back to the good ‘ol days. The Marketo banner has also been removed so you have immediate access to what you really care about, the exciting and helpful conversations happening among your fellow Community members.
  2. One place for discussions – You asked and we answered. No more decisions about where to look for answers to your questions. Product Discussions and Marketing Discussions have been merged into a single place to access the genius of your fellow marketers, simply called Discussions.
  3. A new Blog space – Read about best practices, tips and tricks, and more from peers, experts, and Marketo employees…all in one spot.
  4. An area for Release Info – Want to learn about what’s in the latest, greatest Marketo release? Look no further than our new Release Info space. 
  5. Mobile friendly – Guess what? The Marketing Nation is now mobile friendly so you can take it on the go with you. The genius of your peers is always at your fingertips.

I’m excited to roll out these changes to Marketing Nation. As always, if you have any additional ideas or feedback, please feel free to let me know.

You can expect the Marketing Nation Community to keep getting better and better throughout 2018!

Marketo Employee

Dan Stevens​ and Sanford Whiteman​, Jive is telling me that the stream rebuild and cache clearing they did over the last couple of days has fixed the issue of datestamping you were both experiencing. When I spot checked it does seem to be fixed. Please confirm.



Marketo Employee

Dan Stevens​, it appears the fix Jive ran Monday fixed the issue you were experiencing with sorting Ideas. I am now able to sort by the most recently created with no problem


Please confirm it works for you too.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Janet Dulsky, this is definitely not fixed on my end.  I included the steps to reproduce above - have you tried that?  BTW, the view you're showing is by "latest activity" not "most recent".  Those are different.  One is when there's been any activity (comments); the other is when the idea was created.

Level 5

My profile is showing that I'm not a customer... but I definitely sign in every day.

No Customer Marketo.PNG

Marketo Employee

Jasmine Kyles​, I've made you a customer in your profile so you should be all set.

Have a great weekend.


Marketo Employee

Dan Stevens​, there does seem to be some weird Jive bug when you hit the See All at the bottom of the Overview page that prevents the appropriate filtering. I will submit it to Support. However, if you to the Content tab immediately, you will be able to filter appropriately on Date Created: Newest First. I can have the link from Ideas on the main nav drop directly to the Content page if you think that's the view most people will want to see. Let me know your thoughts.



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Janet, I don't want to speak for others - and certainly wouldn't suggest making changes without proper user testing/feedback - but for me, I rarely access the "activity" (since this primarily just shows recent ideas that were voted on) and "content" tabs at the top.  I take the path of least resistance/clicks: I access the IDEAS section using the main "Discussion" tab at the top and begin scanning.  When I reach the end of the listing, my desire is to continue with the same view/order as is displayed on the main page that I just came from.  And that's not happening - breaking the overall experience for me.  Also, by clicking the "content" tab immediately, I lose the the view of the default page that includes a portion of the description/detail beneath the title.  That view is very useful.

Marketo Employee

Dan Stevens​, thanks for the feedback. Jive has confirmed that the experience you're having is a known bug but has given me no ETA for the fix. I also found that when you click the Show All, try to filter by Date Created, and get to the filter by Score filter list, you can get around the bug by refreshing your screen at that point. Then you will be able to filter by Date Created - Newest First. Hope that helps.

Thanks, Janet

Level 10

Hi Janet Dulsky​,

I'm not able to send you a private message so I thought this was the most appropriate place.

I have noticed that there is a Customer Support box that now appears on the right side of the window, however there is no way to minimise it or close it.

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 11.41.32.png



Level 10

Hi Gerard,

+1 See How do I shut down the support chat box that shows up in the community

@ Kenneth Law​,

Sorry to bother you, but this really annoying.
