Activity Extract Options. Bulk vs Batch

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Option 1 – “Batch API”

The Batch API solution allows you to extract multiple activity types (listed here ) over a long interval at your discretion. Each API call returns one page of data and the following. The first call requires you to create a paging token. For subsequent calls to this endpoint, use the nextPageToken returned from the response. This endpoint will always return the nextPageToken.

  1. A “next page token” which represents the subsequent page of data.
  2. A “moreResult” Boolean. You’ll loop through until a “false” is returned, indicating that there is no more data to be returned.


More information is here and the API specifics are here



  • See below


Option 2 – “Bulk API”

            The Bulk Activity API may be used to extract up to 500mb of data per day, and up to a date range of 31 days in each call. the Bulk API has a very different process than the batch. At a high level it is as follows

  1. Create the Bulk Extract job (API call #1, returns the job ID)
  2. Enqueue the Bulk API Job using the job ID
  3. Poll the API using the Job ID until a status of “completed” is returned. This indicates the full CSV activity extract is ready to be streamed from the Marketo server. It will remain there for 7 days.
  4. Stream the file down (API call #4)

You can have up to 10 jobs enqueued, two will run concurrently. A good practice is to extract them by calendar month. One call for January, One call for February, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

More detail is available here and the API endpoints are here



  • Limited to 500mb of data per day
  • Limited to extracting a range of 31 days per call
  • Limit resets at 12 midnight US Central Time


Helpful links


Activity types:

Retention Policy: