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What’s changing? On February 21, 2019, Webkit announced the new release of Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), known as ITP 2.1 and ITP 2.2 shortly thereafter. With ITP 2.x, all persistent client-side cookies, i.e., non-session cookies created via JavaScript through document.cookie, are capped to a seven-day or one-day expiry.  Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have also announced their intent to conform to these new policies, though no details or dates have been released.   How does this impact Marketo? As a result of these changes to cookie policy, 7 days after their initial tracked visit to your domain, the Munchkin cookies of visitors using Safari (or future affected browser versions) created with the existing versions of Munchkin JavaScript will expire, and on subsequent visits they will be tracked as a new visitor.   How does Munchkin operate? On a person’s first visit to a page on your domain, a new anonymous person record is created in Marketo. The primary key for this record is the Munchkin cookie (_mkto_trk) which is created in the user’s browser.  All subsequent web activity on that browser is recorded against this anonymous record.  In order to be associated with a known record in Marketo, one of the following methods should be used: The person may visit a Munchkin-tracked page with a mkt_tok parameter in the query string from a tracked Marketo email link. The person may fill out a Marketo Form. REST Associate Lead call must be sent.   Once one of these actions is completed, the cookie and all its associated web activity will be associated with the known record.   How is Marketo planning to address ITP concerns? Marketo will implement a new web service to allow Munchkin cookies to be set with a Set-Cookie header via HTTP response, so that they may bypass the 7-day expiry cap imposed when setting cookies via JavaScript.   Do I need to do anything to take advantage of these updates? In order to leverage the new behavior and take advantage of the greater expiry period and tracking capabilities, ensure that you have configured the following: A Landing Page CNAME Secured Landing Pages (i.e. HTTPS) For external pages, you must have configured a Landing Page Domain or Domain Alias with a Top-Level Domain (TLD) matching the external domains which you wish to track For example, if you have pages on the domain which are tracked, you must have configured an LP Domain or Alias which is a subdomain of, like   What happens if I do nothing? Munchkin’s ability to track users across sessions on the same domain will remain limited by ITP to either 1 or 7 days based on the browser and browser version used by the visitor. As of this posting, this only affects visitors using the Safari browser, although Chrome & Firefox may follow suit with their own versions.   When will the solution be launched? These changes will begin as a staggered roll-out to customers who have opted into the Munchkin Beta channel in conjunction with the January 2020 Marketo release. Once the solution has been released to all beta customers, the roll-out to our entire customer base will begin in mid-to-late February. All customers should expect to have the solution by end of March 2020.   Google Chrome Update (Feb. 2020): Google recently announced that the Chrome browser will block all third-party cookies within two years; however, since Marketo uses 1st party cookies, this update regarding 3rd party cookies will NOT affect your Marketo tracking efforts. For further context about 3rd party cookies in general, and the industry shift away from using them, please see the following article for Adobe's stance across the Experience Cloud Solutions:
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No, unfortunately we are unable to tell you what the spam trap address is. We don’t even know it ourselves! Spam trap addresses are proprietary to the blacklists that own them. Anti-spam professionals use spam trap addresses to track unsolicited emails. If a spam trap is known by the offending sender, the sender could simply remove the spam trap address from their lists and never actually address the data problem that caused that spam trap address to be included in their lists to begin with. Instead of asking what the spam trap address is, try to identify the source of the trap address and eliminate bad data sources from your mailing lists. You should be able to identify the email campaign that caused the blacklist issue, so you should start with those lists. To narrow it down and identify the problematic data source, you should consider the following: Have you recently added any new leads or new lead sources? What is the source of these leads? Any purchased or appended email addresses should be removed, because these data sources are often the source of newly introduced spamtraps. In addition, using purchased or appended email addresses for mailing is a violation of Marketo’s Email Use and Anti-Spam Policy. Have you added any older leads that have not been mailed to recently? Some email providers will turn an email address into a spam trap after a year of inactivity. If you have a list of addresses that has not been mailed to in a year or more, this list should be removed. Does your system use any custom fields to indicate customer status, event attendance, recent contact with your sales team, or other forms of engagement? If so, take advantage of this and isolate the inactive or non-responsive segments of your database using all of the activity data you have available. Is there anything about this specific mailing that makes it different compared to your previous email campaigns? Did you send any other mail on the same day? If so, you should compare the recipient lists. Think you have narrowed in on the problem? Check out our guide to blacklist remediation to find out what to do with that bad list and complete the remediation program.   Additional Resources: What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? What is a blacklist? How does Marketo respond to blacklisting and spam notifications? Top blacklists - What you need to know Blacklist Remediation Successful Reconfirmation Blacklist Deep Dive Blacklist FAQ   Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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Question: I am trying to add the Person Notes field to a Marketo form but the field does not seem to be available to drag into the form editor. Answer: Remember, all fields will pre-populate with data from the CRM system. Person Notes is a dangerous field to use in a form because sales people will often put text in there that they never intend the lead to see.  We removed it form the form editor for this reason. You can, if needed, add another field in your CRM and it will be available to use in Forms.   Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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  Marketo Support's Mission is: "To provide fast and friendly world-class support through creative, flexible solutions to empower Marketo Automation Software success."   Areas of Responsibility: Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) are your initial point of contact for any questions or concerns. TSEs are responsible for troubleshoot issues within your Marketo instance. Common areas within a Marketo instances which TSEs will assist with are:   My Marketo Marketing Activities Design Studio Lead Database Analytics Revenue Explorer (RCA/RCE) Calendar Deliverability Tools Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Web Personalization (RTP) Admin Community   Our TSEs are not web developers and as a result they are unable to troubleshoot most types of custom coding (ie. HTML, JavaScript, XML, etc.). Our support team is able to help with the following types of non-custom code:    Simple Munchkin Code Asynchronous Munchkin Code Asynchronous jQuery Munchkin Code SOAP API REST API   Our technical support engineers are here to assist you and our support commitment to our customers is to always work towards providing an above and beyond support experience.   Note: Our team is not against looking at custom code and, based on the subject matter expertise, our TSEs might be able to offer suggestions and recommendations, but we do want to make it clear that they are not responsible for fixing or updating any custom code that has been implemented.   Response Time:   Our Technical Support Engineers are bound to responding to your cases and issues within the Service Level Agreements from your account's level of support services.  We track response milestones to ensure that your cases are being handled in a timely manner as dictated by our agreed to SLA's.
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Issue Description Updates made to an embedded Form are not immediately reflected on the web after the Form is approved.   Issue Resolution To improve page load times, Marketo Forms are served from a cache. It may take up to 4 minutes for newly approved changes to forms to display on the web. This only applies to embedded forms on non-Marketo pages; forms on Marketo Landing Pages will continue to update immediately after approval.   To preview changes immediately, you can use the Preview functionality.
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Issue Description Visit Web Page activity is tracked and showing up for one subdomain on your site,, on a record but it is not recording activities for a different subdomain,   Issue Resolution The reason that this behavior is taking place is because the domain that is being utilized has a two letter top level domain "". For domains that end with a two letter suffix, “”, the Munchkin script is setting the tracking cookie to the third domain level by default. This is to take into account two letter country codes such as “.jp”, “.us”, “.cn”, and “.uk”. This means that when someone visits “”, the Munchkin script will assign a new cookie to “” instead of “”. When someone visits or is referred to a different subdomain, such as "” it will create a new cookie for this domain “”.   To prevent this from taking place you will need to add the Munchkin Initialization Parameter setting the “domainLevel” to “2”. This will cause the cookie to be set to the second domain level “” when visiting either the Marketo or non-Marketo hosted landing pages. Details about the Munchkin Initialization Parameters can be found in this Developers Doc:   Since the Marketo hosted landing pages will, by default, use the same 3 third level domain behavior, you will need to disable tracking at your template level using the steps at the end of this article:   This will disable the default tracking that all landing pages get in Marketo. Then, similar to external landing pages, your team will need to add the Munchkin tracking code to your Marketo templates, where you would have control to set the domain level to 2 (instead of 3). Once this has been updated on both the external landing pages and Marketo hosted landing pages, the tracking cookies will be set at the second domain level and work across the various sub-domains.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with two letter domains   Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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