Testing Deliverability Using the Deliverability Tools Seed Lists


Often times customers ask which messages they should send to the Email Deliverability Power Pack seedlist.  Consider these guidelines to prioritize.


Routinely seed from each IP/domain combination
Prioritize seeding to any of the following:
  • High priority segments (customers, employees, investors, etc. that have high strategic value)
  • High risk segments (lapsed subscribers, new audiences, audiences that have not been mailed for more than 3 months) even if they are low volume
  • Segments showing poor/declining performance (lower opens/clicks/conversions)
  • Segments that reflect large audiences (weekly/monthly newsletters or operational notifications that go to the entire database)


Setup a recurring campaign that sends to one (or more) of the templates on a periodic basis, especially if you see declining performance.

Who This Solution Applies To
Customers with the Email Deliverability Power Pack