Wild Card for Filters

Wild Card for Filters

I believe the term is Wild Card, but being able to search @" ".gov would be beneficial. Whenever I use the "contains" portion for the email address filter in regard to .gov or .mil for our military clientele, it includes people like steve.milford or paul.governor. It would provide a much cleaner data set if this were a possibility.
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Totally agreee.  If I want to find all leads with "Chief * Officer" or "Chief" & "Officer" (in that order) in their job title without having to specify every possible variation explicitly.  Currently I have to create a smart list with two filters for job title - one with contains "Chief" and one with contains "Officer" with the "Use ALL filters" logic, but this doesn't specify the order of the words.  Also, this approach won't work at all for initials like "C*O".
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Hi Elliott

I just posted the same issue!  - See below - did you get anywhere with this?


What do I use as a 'wildcard' in Marketo?

Example - searching for all email addresses that contain @_____.ru

In Salesforce I would use a % but it doesn't work here.

Please help! 🙂
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Ellie - this suggestion has garnered only 100 points of votes for it and Marketo has not flagged it with a "Like", so it could be a long time before we see this limitation addressed.
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Would love to be able to do so. When company names have different varations it is easy to miss records if the names do not match 100%
Level 10
I like it. Being able to search for domain names (for instance) can allow us to spot typos more easily. All the more that the generic search is quite slow and doesn't allow search per column.
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I agree. It would also be great to be able to write some advanced regex to isolate those 'hard to reach places.'
Not applicable
Voted and subscribing. Would love to have support for wildcards and ideally regex too! We're challenged with this limitation right now in normalizing job titles.
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Not applicable
Not applicable
Still keeping this topic alive...the inability to use wildcards is extremely limiting in my current situation.