Who done it?!?!


Who done it?!?!

With multiple users using the system it would be really nice to have details around which user performed any given activity within the system.

I.E. I am looking at the activity log of a lead and some one did a manual lead edit to change the unsubscribed value and the only information that is shown is that it was a manual lead edit and the value was changed... But I don't know who'se done this!
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I'm typically the only person at my organization that uses Marketo regularly, but I can see this being a huge need for large teams. Would be really great in helping train new employees, as you'd be able to follow their path in Marketo and ensure they've got things set up properly. 
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We voted for it during the summit. It's roughly called the "Audit Trail" and I'd say it's in early beta stages.
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great idea just thought of this myself.
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You're seeing the data come into the system more and more. One day it will be there.
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I hope so! I need to know who to blame when they mess things up or when to keep quiet when I did it myself 🙂
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Any progress on this? I can see who last modified smart campaigns, but not for landing pages and other design studio materials.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas