Visually show whether a field is Marketo custom in Admin-Field Management

Visually show whether a field is Marketo custom in Admin-Field Management

When I am in Admin->Field Management trying to lookup whether a Marketo field is custom or not, it doesn't seem like there is a way to do this currently but I could be wrong.  Even though I was the one who created the custom field, I have a hard time recalling the name the of the custom field unless I documented it in Excel.  It would be even harder if another person who did not create the field trying to look up this information.

One idea is to have a different icon for Marketo Custom Field versus System Created Field.  There are obviously many other ways to do this such as enhancing the find search box.
Not applicable
Great idea! This would be useful.
Not applicable
It's not really useful after the fact, but we name all our Marketo-only fields with the prefix MKTO so that anyone who uses the system can easily recognize them (and understand that they don't exist in our CRM). Since they all have the same prefix they're easy to search for, too.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas