Update Subscription Center documentation for Forms 2.0


Update Subscription Center documentation for Forms 2.0

Please update the Marketo Masters Subsccription Center documentation found here: https://community.marketo.com/MarketoResource?id=kA650000000Gu1jCAC to include Forms 2.0 instructions. 

We have a subscription center and would like to convert it to use Forms 2.0 for easier maintenance long term, but ran into two issues:

1) having a field use a checkbox that appears as a single box with checked = yes and unchecked = No.  Forms 2.0 wants to provide two check boxes labeled yes and no.

2) having an unsubscribe all field that would update all the other subscriptions

BTW the original Marketo Masters code was a little backward as far as having a Check All function.  We actually modified this to be a Uncheck All function.  I think unchecking is more intuitive as to how most companies would want to do it and also how most people would think about it when unsubscribing / subscribing.
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Status changed to: Open Ideas