The Marketo Superball Navigation Ball

The Marketo Superball Navigation Ball

In the most recent release, the beloved primary navigation was stripped away and is now hidden behind a dancing ball menu.  While the ball eventually gets tired and stops bouncing, the primary navigation..something that we all click multiple times every day is now hidden and requires an extra click to move around the program. It seems like UX took a back seat to the UI in this release.

My idea is to kill the navigation ball and return the links to the top of each page for better navigation across the site.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Hey Todd -   I agree with you, it's a very weird  to change what was once one click to multiple.  Have you tried the keyboard shortcuts?  Maybe you will find these useful instead of having to click around.  The only thing I feel I'm missing by using these is the ability to open the "tiles" in new windows.

(Also, Alt/Opt + C will take you the calendar, and it does open a new window)
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The bouncing logo is incredibly annoying. I really can't stand it.

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Have you clicked on the ball?  The bouncing ball was meant to draw your attention, so you could find the navigation.  Click on it and navigate somewhere and it should stop bouncing.
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The SuperBall has many reasons behind it.  Here is some explanation:
  1. We wanted to reclaim the vertical (valuable) space used by the nav.  
  2. We needed to give access to MORE things, like SEO, Calendar, etc and there was no room in the nav
  3. Over time, we are blowing up the design studio, lead database, and analytics and making it more granular like just showing templates or just showing forms.  The nav was not the right UI for this kind of model.  This will be accompanyed by a new tree navigation. (2015 if all goes to plan)
  4. We have new properties showing up like RTP, SEO and others.  We wanted a way to make navigation consistent, even if the codebase was different.
The keyboard shortcuts should be used for speed, (Alt-M --> Marketing Activities - just use the first letter for each section) if you need.  

RE: Bouncing - just click on it and it will stop - secret keyboard shortcut to make it start again = control-alt-shift-S

I hope this helps explain the reasoning behind the ball.  It's here to stay, hopefully it will grow on you.
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Thanks Glen.  Understand the reasons, however the change still affects my daily usage of the site.  It's just unfortunate the navigation took a pretty serious UX hit with this new release. What's broke is broke at this point.

In the end, there are far more important things I wish were fixed, such as smarter copy/paste functionality in editing landing pages, emails, etc...  just to name one of the top of my head.

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Honestly my biggest concern was to make the ball stop bouncing. Now that it has, I am fine with it. 
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To make it START bouncing press control-alt-shift-S

I like mine bouncing all day. 🙂

(Of course, just left-click the ball and it will stop.)
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I do NOT vote for the top menu bar to return. I hated inadvertent clicks taking me all over the product when I was jut trying to run a smart campaign, or update a token. It was the #1 waste of my time in the system. I love that it is gone.
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I actually like the new nav. I think it's a bit faster. I just thought I was going to have an aneurysm from looking at that bouncing ball and not knowing how to make it stop.
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I've completely underestimated the resistence of some to click on the bouncing ball.

Doesn't it just call out to you? (cliiiick meeeee)  

I really thought that the very first thing people would try would be to click on it.  Well, you live and learn. 🙂