Subscribe to Smart Lists


Subscribe to Smart Lists

Feature Request:  Subscribe to a Smart List in the same way we can subscribe to reports, receiving the report via email every night.

Not applicable
Our goal is the May release, which is scheduled for the 3rd week of the month.
Level 2

Just got the May release notes email. I'm guessing this didn't make the May release . Any chance we'll see it in June?

Not applicable

Dear All,

I am MJ, Senior Product Manager with Marketo.

I have a great news for you!  We are almost ready to launch 'Subscribe to Smart List' feature in June/July timeframe. Before we go live for all,  we would like monitor/test the performance of this feature with limited set of customers and need your support. If you are interested in being one of the first customers to try this feature, please email me directly with below information at by June 4th (Thursday).

  Your Full Name

  Your Exact Company Name

  Your Email Address

  Do you want us to enable this feature only on your Sandbox instance - Yes/No

Once we have your information, we will enable this feature in your Marketo instances and notify you for the same.

I look forward to receiving your reply and feedback!


Not applicable


We've been waiting for this feature for a long time, thank you!

  • Your Full Name - Dominika Lacka

• Your Exact Company Name - Tasktop Technologies

• Your Email Address -

• Do you want us to enable this feature only on your Sandbox instance - No




On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Mahesh Jeswani (MJ) <

Level 2

We've had this feature enabled for less than a day and it's already proving invaluable for our sales team! Of course, now that we have it, I want more (typical, right?). We've created a channel for a weekly communication to our contractors, so our first subscription is for each of our directors who manage these contractors so they can see who did/did not open the weekly email. I realized during setup that I'll need to change the name of the email in the "Opens Email" filter each week - not a big deal since there aren't that many directors - but it would be AWESOME if channel was a constraint for Opens Email. That way, I could write Opens Email is any and Channel is GOJO UPDATE and Date of Activity is Last 7 Days. Is it possible?

Thanks again!!!


Not applicable

Hi Mahesh

Do we have this feature enabled yet? How can I tell?



On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Mahesh Jeswani (MJ) <

Not applicable

Dominika Lacka​, Yes it should be enabled on your instance. Instructions to use the feature was in my email which I sent last week. Please send me the feedback directly.


Not applicable

We LOVE it!!

Level 3

I need this too!!!!!  Please!!!!

Level 4

Is this feature available to everyone yet? Or is there still room on the list for beta testers?