Subscribe to Smart List

Subscribe to Smart List

I would like to be able to subscribe to a Smart List, have it create an Excel file and email it to the subscriber. This would be extraordinarily helpful. We are an enterprise level company. More than 95% of the analytics I need to create for management is done via Smart List and not through Analytics. The reason being, management just doesn't want a number. They want to know who, what company, what job title, location, etc. A simple example of this is a seminar. Sales would like an daily update for sign-ups. They do not want an alert for each sign-up as that could be hundreds of email in a week. A daily list of sign-ups would be helpful. Currently, I manually have to run these, export and email them myself.

Level 10
Hey Kevin, this is something that's been requested time and time again... here's the original idea thread:
Not applicable
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