Specify text version in rich text "my" tokens.

Specify text version in rich text "my" tokens.

Presently, when a section of an email is opened for editing, you are presented with the rich text version AND the text-only version:

View of the WYSIWYG editor inside the Marketo Email Designer

However, when editing rich-text "my" tokens, you only get the rich text version:

User-added image

It would be nice if we could edit how the content of these token appears in the plain text as well.

Level 10
There are also text tokens. You could use rich-text token from the HTML version of the email and a text token for the TEXT version of the email.

Also, snippets already support this as well so that is another option.
Not applicable

Sorry, that doesnt work as the linebreaks are stripped out from the text token.

Level 10

Sounds like Snippets are the perfect answer for you then.

Level 6

Snippets feel like one more moving part in something that would be ideally built into the editor at the program level for rich text tokens. Will this be on the roadmap soon?

Level 10

I will add it to the list.

Level 6

Thank you so much!!!

Not applicable

I'm not a fan when an Idea is moved to a stage that I can't vote on. The product does not have this capability yet and is very frustrating for those trying to utilize my.tokens for program templates/demand centers. Sure, time consuming workarounds exist but these are not sustainable for complex programs or a simple program that users will be cloning and updating tokens in.

Level 10

Emily, it is on my radar. I haven't forgotten about it.

I am very concerned, however, that people will think it will automatically look good if we do this. Imagine in our email editor when you click the "Copy from HTML" button...how often does the resulting text look 100% perfect? If you have a rich-text token in there, it may also not look as you desire it to look, and in this case you wouldn't be able to edit it.

Not applicable

I think that the "Copy from HTML" button does a great job. I rarely edit the text only version. I remember the days when you had to manually add in the links though

Not applicable

Yeah, I don't mind removing a bunch of whitespace if it means I don't have to strip out a bunch of html