See Tokens used by


See Tokens used by

It would be great to see a list of places throughout a program where your program tokens are being used.
Even if there was some way to run an audit to do the same thing that would work as well.

This would help to know if tokens are no longer being used or to see if there are any other places it is being used that are not initially apparent.

Not applicable
This is unfortunately pretty tricky because the tokens are just in the text in the email, so we don't maintain a list of which ones are used by which asset. That said, this makes sense and is something we can keep in mind in the future.
Not applicable

Would it be theoretically possible to do a token "audit."

What if you could manually initiate a time stamped report for an individual program that would cycle through any of that program's approved assets for text matching any of that program's tokens?

For Example:

In Program1 you have...

Asset 1 - Approved
Asset 2 - Approved
Asset 3 - Approved
Asset 4

{{my.Token 1}}
{{my.Token 2}}
{{my.Token 3}}

Search for "{{my.Token 1" (to allow for variance in use of a default)
Search in Asset 1, 2, & 3.
Report which Assets it was found in.

Repeat for each Token.

It could be manual because you would only need it once in a while, like before you were about to delete a token.

I was actually thinking of writing a script to do this manually by downloading the html from each email and landing page, placing them in a folder and scanning the folder.  Although, the process of downloading each asset before scanning them would be time consuming.

Just a thought.  Thank you for the response!


Not applicable
Possibly. We are working on a set of asset APIs that would let you pull the token values, so that might make such a script much easier to build.
Not applicable
This would help me immensely. Please add me as another vote to consider it!
Not applicable
I hope this is still being considered! Being able to see where each token is used in one place would be such a time saver. Especially because there is no way of seeing which token is being used without viewing the asset as a draft. If I just want to simply confirm the correct token is being used on an approved assett, I have to create a new draft, check on the token, and then discard the draft created, which is so incredibly tedious.
Not applicable

Just looking for some clarity on this. I have an e-mail that definitely does not contain the token, but I'm still seeing this message. The e-mail has been approved, but it still won't let me delete the token. Is that because some previous draft of the e-mail contained the token? If so, does that mean I'm stuck with that token (local token) unless I delete the e-mail and reproduce it from scratch?

I hope this is still being considered. One of the big selling points of Marketo, from my perspective, are the relationship management features. That is, being able to determine how various assets are related to each other so that you can determine precisely what the impact of any change might be.

Level 10

Duplicate with this one :

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

I have asked for something like this long ago, see here -  

Not applicable

Voted those up. Perhaps these three threads could be merged?

Also, anyone with any insight to the issue I mentioned above:

Just looking for some clarity on this. I have an e-mail that definitely does not contain the token, but I'm still seeing this message. The e-mail has been approved, but it still won't let me delete the token. Is that because some previous draft of the e-mail contained the token? If so, does that mean I'm stuck with that token (local token) unless I delete the e-mail and reproduce it from scratch?


Level 7

We have this exact same problem. We've checked our landing pages, emails, etc. to make sure we aren't using the token anywhere and we have no idea where it lives!