Schedule a campaign to run when another completes

Schedule a campaign to run when another completes

Would be great to have the ability to call/start another campaign to run upon completion of another campaign. Example- you are running a large batch campaign that may take a few hours to complete, but you know you want to kick off a second campaign right after the first batch campaign runs.
Not applicable
Why not just add a step in the workflow to request another workflow. Then just wait for an activity to be logged that meets the logic for your first campaign.
Not applicable
@Jeffrey - It won't always work in that scenario. Say you are making a mass change to lead status, and you want the next campaign to run when there are 0 leads with a particular lead status.
Not applicable
Fair enough, sounds like a great idea 🙂
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Yeah, best I can suggest in this scenario is to add a wait step for enough hours to cover the launch of previous campaign, and then do request campaign to kick off the new campaign in the flow.

As security, using the lead status example, you could put an additional filter in to ensure that the new campaign only applies to people you are absolutely sure have now met the "finish" criteria (as in, lead status is changed to correct value) for the previous campaign.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas