Rename Email Program

Rename Email Program

You should be able to rename Email Programs. That way, I could clone an existing program as often and necessary, but still be able to track the individual program's analytics!
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Doesn't this already exist? I have no problem renaming an email program, and when cloning you always have to give it a new name. Cloning doesn't make an exact copy of the program with members and metrics, i just copies the assets and smart campaigns so that you don't have to build it from scratch again. It has no connection to the program it was cloned from.
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You're right, you can rename an email program when cloning that actual program, but once you name it there is no option to change the name. The issue we are having is that our email program is part of an overall event program. When cloning the event program, we are not given the option to rename the email program that is part of the overall program. It's fixable with a couple extra steps that are easy enough, but why can't we just rename email programs like everything else in Marketo? 
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So it doesn't work to double click on the name in the Summary view? Then I'd take it up with support cause it works when I do it.
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One can already name email programs by changing the view from control panel to summary, but it's not very intuitive. I only found out how to do this by searching the Marketo help section. I think it should be a lot clearer.
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Thanks Nicola! You're right - not very intuitive, but that works!
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Thanks Nicola!!!!!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it