Referring URL From Code

Referring URL From Code

Our site currently funnels visitors to a general contact page from several pages. We want to know which page referred our leads to the contact page, so we can create and serve specific email content for those leads.

My hunch is to use the lead source feild on our form and add URL tracking parameters to our links, but it would be much better if we didn't have to create messy URLs and could pull this information onto our forms dynamically with the munchkin code.
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You could probably do this with Javascript if you were interested. By reading the referring URL and passing it into a hidden field on the form.
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Hi there, I am trying to do something similar: I have 10-15 partners who are driving traffic to our website, and I'd like to measure exactly how much traffic these individuals are driving and if it's leading to opportunities. The 10-15 partners are being compensated based on the traffic they generate. What I'd like to do is give each partner a uniquely trackable URL that leads to our homepage. Example:; Any idea on how I can do this? You mentioned adding "tracking parameters to the URL" which sounds like it might be what I'm looking for, but how do I actually do it?

Thanks for your input.
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Found a solution! You can add a feild to your forms called "Lead Source." Go into the feild options, and change it to a hidden feild. Now you should see a settings button in the options for that feild. 

Click settings, and you will see a menu to add a tracking snip. We set all the links that head to our contact page to include something like ?ReferringPage=(value). Now the form will pull in the value from that snippet and se can serve up unique email content depending on the referring page.

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I found an answer to my question. You can add a query string of your choice to any URL. so for you could put You can then track visitors by creating a Lead Performance report, and editing the smart list to include the "Website Visited" component. You can then add the constraing "Query String is", and enter everything after the question mark into the query string field.
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Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it