"Simulated Live" Integration with Marketo


"Simulated Live" Integration with Marketo

As customers utilize newer features within GTW, the use case for this feature will grow and it would ideal for the integration with Marketo to support this.

Not applicable

I spoke to GTW support yesterday and they have just sent me this response -

Hello Michael,

They (meaning GTW) have finally rolled out Simulated Live support however it's only in v2 of our API. You'll need to reach out to Marketo and ensure that they've updated to v2 of our GoToWebinar API: https://goto-developer.logmeininc.com/gotowebinar-api-overview-v2

This is important because we are running more and more webinars - less budget in Marketing, so more need to reuse resources - a webinar would be run, recorded and then scheduled in advance using Simulated Live - so it's a huge time saver for Marketing teams. It also allows us to reuse the webinar resource in multiple time zones without local Marketing teams needing to be there to set up/run/monitor/end the webinar...this is a 2018 must-have...

Not applicable

Hello Michael - this is great news. But i assume this means that simulated live events still won't show up via the launchpoint integration? meaning, we would have to create our own code to use the api? Ideally we'd want a marketo form to register attendees for simulated live events. Am I getting that right?

Level 1

Definitely need this!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I've also spoken to GTW about this and basically GTW has done what they need to do on their end and the ball is in Marketo's court to update the launchpoint integration to use the new GTW API.

Level 1


Level 2

Is anyone aware of any updates from Marketo regarding an update to version 2 of GTW's API?

Level 1

We need this too, hopefully this feature will be released soon!

Level 3 - Champion Alumni

We really need this too. Have set up the webhook to push registrants over to Marketo in real-time but the attendee/no show data is all manual.

Level 2

I'll just quietly assume this still doesn't exist......Would be great to get this live. 

Level 2

When is this going to happen?? I've been waiting for it for over a year now

This was posted in 2017 and yet it still has the "new" tag to it...