"Folder Period cost" inherited to sub-programs

"Folder Period cost" inherited to sub-programs

Currently we're looking at tightening our spend to revenue numbers to be more accurate. We have the individual pieces in place for the cost of a particular trade show. But for a true picture we'd like to include the yearly salary figures for each person involved in certain types of events.

If you employ two events managers at 100k a piece, you can't say you spent 90k on events, you're really spending 290k on events. I don't want to have to go through and everytime I add a new program to an events folder recalculate what % is based on the new total number of programs. IE 200k split over 4 programs is 50k per event. Add a 5th program & it's 40k per event, and you have to go in and update five programs to accomplish, that work grows exponentially with the number of programs you create.

Another use case is around creating a piece of collateral in multiple languages. You have design, translation & layout costs. Then you have to split that cost by the number of languages you have created pieces for. It would be much easier to put all the languages into a single folder and add a top level folder period cost to it, which is then split by all sub-programs.

Make sense?

Suggestion > One "Folder Period Cost"  is split evenly amongst all programs contained within that program.  
Not applicable
The same cost issue we run into all the time with ebooks. There is significant cost to create an ebook. Then it ends up being distributed through diffeerent channels, means there are multiple programs for the same asset to we can see which channels brings most leads, most pipeline, how quality of leads differest for different channels. It's really ainful to go and update all the programs every time a new channel is launched.

I think is we had a place to enter all costs and then later assign them to different programs indicating the percentage of that cost item that belongs to the program, would make it more managable. I think cost items could be a modulte in itself in Marketo and then you could pull it and associate with programs.
Level 10
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas