Possibility to add "skip content" filters in engagement programs

Possibility to add "skip content" filters in engagement programs

Today, when setting up an engagement program, there are 2 possibilities:

  • adding plain emails, that will be sent unless this email has already been sent to the lead
  • Adding sub-programs that may do some testing before sending (filters or choices in the smart campaign), with the big drawback that if the lead does not qualify of the smart campaign, the lead receives nothing.

Neither of these 2 possibilities enable to skip a content in cast and move directly to the next one under certain conditions.

This idea is to add the possibility, on each content of the stream, to add a "skip content" smart list with filters (no triggers). When the cast occurs, Marketo would evaluate the smart list BEFORE assigning the lead to the content and automatically move to the following content in the stream if the list is a member of the "skip content" smart list. This evaluation would be done at each cast, so if the lead is no longer member of the "skip content" list at next cast, then the lead would qualify for the content.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

According to the updated product docs around this, it sounds like using smart lists in your programs nested within an EP, those that don't qualify will never qualify for another cast - they'll be stuck in a loop!

Add a Program to an Engagement Program Stream - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

What happens to people who don't meet the smart list criteria?

If the engagement program calls a smart campaign within a program, people who don't meet the smart list criteria won't receive the email. They also won't move on to the next program in the current cast or in subsequent casts. Essentially they'll be stuck in an infinite loop, where they never qualify. You may want to use choices on flow steps to filter people out instead of adding these criteria to smart lists when you nest programs inside of an engagement program.

Marketo Employee

That's what I like about my solution: it continuously runs people through the entire program, stopping only when the right condition exists. The engagement program never skips them because they'll always qualify for something. Even if they loop eventually they'll hit an unused step.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas