PMCF SFDC campaign member sync support for text field (More than 255 characters)

PMCF SFDC campaign member sync support for text field (More than 255 characters)

Use Case: 
Our forms on our website include a "comments" text field.  This is important in order for the customer to provide contextual information about their request to the sales team.  


Today we collect this data on a form to a sync'd field on the LEAD and CONTACT objects in SFDC.  We then use a workflow in SFDC to write the value of this field to a custom field on the Campaign Member.  

What I would like to do is use the PMCF campaign member sync to pass this value over instead. Unfortunately this is not currently supported per the documentation as "Text" fields are not allowed on the Program Member object.   

I'd like to request having a text field be added as a field type  as a PMCF and allow us to sync it to a campaign member custom field.  

1 Comment
Marketo Employee
Status changed to: Under review

Thank you for your idea. The Product Management team will evaluate your idea and may follow up with you for more details, if needed.