Option to clone asset/campaign into same/existing program

Option to clone asset/campaign into same/existing program

Currently when you want to clone an asset (e.g., local email) or smart campaign within the same folder, you're forced to select "Programs..." and then search for the program, just as if you wanted to clone it to another program within Marketing Activities.  This becomes tedious when you have hundreds of programs.  It would be so much easier if there was an option within the "clone to" field to include "Existing Program" (along with "Programs..." and "Folders...").

Not applicable
Hi Dan, 
Engineering has provided me an update, stating that they are now planning an enhancement to have the program pre-populated even when the local asset is in a sub folder. This change is currently targeting the October release. 
Best regards, 
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Hi Chris/Erik - I see that this didn't make it into the October release.  Any update on when we can expect it?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
I just got word from Support and it sounds like this won't be released until December at the earliest.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Marketo Support received feedback from Engineering that the reason this functionality was not included in the December release is due to the complexity of this feature. They are still awaiting a firm time/date when this will be implemented.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas