Optimize emails for iPhone OS 6+


Optimize emails for iPhone OS 6+

Emails that have the "View email as a web page" option turned on create a big gap on iPhone's with OS 6.0, hurting the user experience; need to optimize email delivery for a wide range of devices and OS versions now; The ability to move this line to the end of the email would be a plus too!
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We recently added a mobile-friendly responsive template to the program library.  This template uses CSS media queries to format the email properly based on the screen real estate available.  This is available to all customers and you should be able to import it.   You could use this template (or) a similar responsive template to make sure the email gets rendered correctly.

For the "view as webpage" issue, I would request you to log a support case.

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Hi Raj,

I'm very interested in seeing this responsive template you mention. I wasn't aware that email templates could even be imported from the program library. Do you happen to know which program template from the import menu contains that template or email asset?
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You can import these programs as shown below.  Select a program on the tree and hit import program - 

Choose the Mobile template from the library

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Oh, duh, the one labeled "Mobile Email Template". I must have overlooked it when looking at the menu. Thanks Raj, can't wait to check it out!
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Hi Raj,

I really need a Mobile LP template, any ideas?

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Thanks Raj. Support told me to post the idea here actually
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Our Landing Page editor allows you to place various assets at absolute positions in the canvas.  This means that you cannot create responsive LPs using the drag and drop editors.  We are planning to have a solution for this in 2013.

In the meantime, the system does not prevent you from creating mobile templates by hand.  Please take a look at http://go.kokopop.com/BoothDemos_FoundationLP.html which was created by me using a responsive template from Foundation.  The LP will reformat itself  when you shrink/expand your browser window.  You could use such a template in Marketo today.   If there is enough interest and willingness to work with these templates, I can upload a few of these into the program library. 

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Thanks Raj! This is very very helpful.  If you could upload the templates to the program library, that would be terrific!

Level 1

We are seeing a different issue.  the emails we are sending look fine, except that on an iPhone 6, one of our tokens is not showing, its l ike it's invisible.  You can see all the other token values fine on the iPhone 6, and on all other email clients, phones and within preview in marketo all tokens are visible. anyone else have this happen?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it