Move images and files accross workspaces

Move images and files accross workspaces

It would be useful to be authorized to move images and files from one workspace to another.

This not being possible forces you to share folders that do not need to be shared when suddenly you need to change the workspace structure and you want the images to belong to the proper workspace and be accessed by the users.

And sharing is not enough since it does not allow users to replace the files : to do so, they need to have read-write access to the source workspace.

Furthermore, you usually cannot delete the images, since they are in use in emails, landing pages or templates.

So you end up:

  1. Exporting all the images one by one (as there is not bulk export feature)
  2. changing the file name of the files on your hard drive
  3. Reimporting the cloned files in the target workspace
  4. Editing all the templates and emails to change the URLs
  5. deleting the old images and files.

What a total waste of time!


Level 10

BtW : I just wasted 1 hour to move 10 images, and this really upset me

added here : Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features

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Status changed to: Open Ideas