Marketo User Group Calendar views

Marketo User Group Calendar views

In the Marketo User Group tab it would be good to have calendar view options, which could be filtered by regions (timezones), Chapters and also in-person and virtual.

So you could see for example all virtual MUG Chapter meetings together across the coming month for say EMEA or all regions.

A global view could show all virtual or in-person MUGs with time and date.


Using colour coding views within a region say America you can see all in-person events going up month by month or for the full year.


The calendar will allow you to see which MUG meetings you can join live and others to register for recordings for those out of your time zone.

1 Comment
Marketo Employee
Status changed to: Under review

Thank you for your idea. The Product Management team will evaluate your idea and may follow up with you for more details, if needed.