Manage Internal Distribution Lists separately

Manage Internal Distribution Lists separately

Making sure that a campaign and/or a program is also sent to an internal distribution list is always painful. See Re: Internal distribution list

It should be possible when setting up a batch campaign to indicate an internal distribution list or smart list (the Schedule screen would be the same). To avoid any issue, smart lists or list would be marked as "IDL" only by authorized users (with a specific role).

When a campaign executes and has a IDL, leads in the IDL would be sent the email even if they are unsubscribed. They would also be removed from email, landing pages and program performance reports.

My 2 cents,


Level 10

IDL's would also be created in the admin section, not in the lead database section, so that they are tightly controlled.


Not applicable

Can you please provide more details on how to establish this list? I would like to create an internal distribution of our sales team and C-suite so that they are kept in the loop on our nurturing programs. I am just unsure of how to make this happen.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas