Mailto link not working with tracking code in chrome


Mailto link not working with tracking code in chrome

We are about to send out an email campain created in Marketo's Email Designer and are running into an issue on chome where the mailto link (with tracking code) wont fire. It will only load a blank page. Looks like there is a bug in the javascript on that redirect.  I've tested the mailto link with out tracking and it works fine on all browsers. Its only when the tracking code is enabled that we run into this issue. 

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Hi Eric,  you'll get more responses to your question by creating a Discussion item, rather than an Idea for things like this. :0)

The decorated mailto link works in Chrome with the emails that we are sending.  You may want to open a case with tech support for this.
Not applicable
Ah, I was too caught up in the moment that i just posted it. Thanks for the heads up.
Not applicable
If you re-post this in disucssions please let me know and I will delete this thread! thanks!
Not applicable
you can delete the thread, thanks!
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it