List loading format

List loading format

Can't we get reed of CSV for uploading lists. Xcel is so much straight forward!
Also In Southern Europe we have a kind of Miscorsoft bug that prevent us to have a suitable CSV format type to upload. Then I have to go each time to my UK colleague to format me the files !! 
Does anyone get same troubles and would like to see Xcel list to be uploaded directly ! If so please Like !!
Thank you
Not applicable
CSV is the safest format for data exchange. Any application - desktop or web - can read it.
It goes far beyond user level. Oracle and all database systems also handle CSV.

On the other hand Excel is a proprietary format being pushed from xls to xlsx (compressed).

Loading xls files and converting correctly to CSV to fix a number of UTF-8 encoding problems impacting European languages is an easy task using LibreOffice, the branch of Apache OpenOffice. It is free of charge and far less problematic than its Microsoft counterpart. There is no need to send your files to someone else just to re-encode to UTF-8:)
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