Lead Score Enhancement

Lead Score Enhancement

It would be nice to be able to change the lead score based on another score field.
Such as:

     Lead Score = 50
     Score - Behavior = 25
     Score - Engagement = 15

Let's say I want to decrease the Lead Score the amount of the Behavior, but I don't know what that score is and it may be different for each person.

So a trigger would set off the score change, then
     {{Lead Score}} minus {{lead.Score - Behavior}}   (Lead Score would equal 50-25 = 25)
     then I would change the Score - Behavior to zero.
     This would then keep the Lead Score equal to all of the other scores.

Right now we are leaving our Lead Score as it is and changing the Behavior to zero. 
If I go look at the contact information, I want the Lead Score to equal all of the other scores.

This would also allow us to update the Lead Score to the total of all other scores. Such as,
     Trigger to recalc the Lead Score could be:
     {{lead.Lead Score}} =   {{lead.Score 1}} + {{lead.Score 2}} + {{lead.Score 3}} + {{lead.Score 4}}

I hope this makes sense to everyone.
Let me know what you all think,

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Status changed to: Open Ideas