Keep the page that was the first touchpoint the cookied lead had with the site

Keep the page that was the first touchpoint the cookied lead had with the site

Instead of just a "Created At" (date), it would be great to know which page the anonymous lead visited first to see which pages on your website are attracting the most leads.
Not applicable
You can do this already right now. You create a visited webpage is any smart campaign, then in the flow steps you add a change data value & a trigger token. I'm not sure on the specific token, you should test it out, whether it is {{trigger.trigger}} {{}} or {{trigger.web page}} - but probably the last. Then set that campaign to run flow only 1 time & set the field to block updates. Then you have exactly what you're searching.
Level 9 - Champion Alumni
Thanks Adam. It was the last: {{trigger.web page}}
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it