If/Then Statements for Email Tokens

If/Then Statements for Email Tokens

Tokens are incredibly valuable for personalizing emails, if your data is clean. However, it would be great to have the ability to include an if/then statement like the following email signature example:

Thank you,
{{lead.Lead Owner First Name: IF lead.Lead Owner First Name Is NOT “Sales”: default=Jessica}} {{lead.Lead Owner Last Name: IF lead.Lead Owner Last Name Is NOT “Queue”: default=Miller}}
{{lead.Lead Owner Email Address: IF lead.Lead Owner Email Address Is NOT “sales@marketo.com”: default=jessica@marketo.com}}

This would be an amazing feature for any customer who assigns leads to a Sales or Marketing Queue before they are passed to a Sales Rep.
Not applicable
While I like your idea, you can accomplish that by using Dynamic Content.  Create a segement for your sales queue and marketing queue.  Then in you email change the select the segments and have it change for each one and then you can have the default be Jessica Miller.

It is an annoying way to do it but it can get the job done.
Not applicable
Thanks Patrick. I figured there was a way to accomplish this using Dynamic Content, but I still think this would be a valuable tool to have simplified.
Not applicable
I agree.  I think this would be an awesome addition to Marketo.
Not applicable
I run into the same problem with nickname.  I need something to support logic like this:

if lead.nickname is not null then lead.nickname else lead.firstname
Not applicable
I've run into a use case where 
If "Reason for Visit" field = other
Then insert "Reason for Visit - Other" field value as the default

On our form we're only requiring the "Reason for Visit - Other" field if "Other" is selected as the answer on the previous question on the form.

We could do this with dynamic content, but it just adds another layer of complexity to a landing page where we're already using dynamic content based on other fields.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review