Google+ as a Network in Social Campaign objects

Google+ as a Network in Social Campaign objects

It would be great to include google+ as one of the networks for a social campaign object like share buttons for content, or referral campaigns.
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Google's APIs do not have the necessary features for us to support it alongside the other networks like FB, LI and TW.  I encourage other community members to vote/tell us why they need G+ support.  We will use this information to push our case with the Google PM team.

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I consider G+ a strategic choice for SEO. It's really incredible how quickly something from G+ is indexed and available in search, much faster than if the google bot finds content & indexes it on its own. For me, G+ is about SEO, it's why I push my team to use it.
Not applicable
Second that Adam, there is low quality content getting ranked in Google from G+ so its clearly impactful
Not applicable
All our customers are international students looking to study abroad in the United States. Google+ is very popular in some of our target markets, like India. So I know Google+ seems kind of lame and unimportant in the U.S., especially compared to the other social guys like Facebook and Twitter, but since it's drastically more poopular in foreign countries, it is important to our business. We would definitely like to see this feature. 
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas