Forward to a Friend and tokens

Forward to a Friend and tokens

Currently, when an email is forwarded via the Foward to a Friend feature, the token value will resolve to something other than what was in the initial email sent.

So for example, inside an email there is a token for a person of contact. This email was sent to me, with the following content, where Mark Eto is the person of contact token:

Mark Eto's event will be held at...

If I forward this email to a friend, I would expect the content to be unchanged. But if my friend is already a lead in the database, it would be changed to:

[SOMEONE ELSE]'s event will be held at...

Or if the lead does not exist in Marketo, it will look something like this:

's event will be held at...

If a Marketo email is forwarded, the assumption is that the content would be a 1:1 copy - exactly how the plain forward works in email clients. So essentially the token should be 'deactivated' when it is forwarded.
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