Estimated Time Remaining

Estimated Time Remaining

For a lot of more complex smart lists and reports, they can take anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple days to run. It would be great to see how much time marketo estimates the query would take. That way, we could know- is this going to be done in a couple minutes? or is my query so intricate that this will take years?

Level 10
can you imagine? your query will be completed in 2014! #bangmyheadonwalls
Not applicable
Yes!  This is a very good idea.

We ran into this problem with our Smart List generation efforts. Our Smart Lists got more and more complicated (which was actually a good problem to have) but the undesired secondary result was that the timing that our mailings were to go out was unpredictable -- sometimes they would go out hours after we'd planned.

Our solution (suggested by Marketo support) was to export those lists to static lists which allows our mails to out out as planned.

But knowing how long a Smart List might take would be very helpful.
Not applicable
A major overhaul of smart list performance is happening by summer.  It will radically change how fast most smart lists perform.  Stay tuned.
Not applicable
Staying tuned Glen!

I'm looking forward to more speed!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas