Enhance Marketo to Allow Direct Setting of Salesforce Task Types


Enhance Marketo to Allow Direct Setting of Salesforce Task Types

As a Marketo user, I propose an enhancement that would allow us to directly set the Salesforce task type within Marketo’s “Create Task” flow step. Currently, this functionality is not available, and it would greatly improve our workflow efficiency if we could specify the task type during task creation.












Use Case:

  1. Streamlined Workflow:

    • Imagine a scenario where we want to create a follow-up task for a lead or contact after a successful webinar registration.
    • With the ability to set the task type directly in Marketo, we could create the task and assign it as an “Email” or “Call” task right away.
    • This eliminates the need to manually adjust the task type in Salesforce after synchronization.
  2. Consistency and Accuracy:

    • Ensuring consistent task types across platforms (Marketo and Salesforce) is crucial.
    • By allowing direct task type selection in Marketo, we reduce the risk of discrepancies or misalignment between the two systems.
  3. Time Savings:

    • Currently, users must create the task in Marketo and then navigate to Salesforce to modify the task type.
    • Enabling task type selection within Marketo would save time and reduce manual steps.


  • Efficiency: Users can set the task type during task creation, streamlining the process.
  • Data Integrity: Consistent task types enhance data accuracy and reporting.
  • User Satisfaction: This enhancement aligns with user expectations and improves overall usability.

Additional Details:

  • Implementation Considerations:

    • The enhancement could be implemented as an additional field in the “Create Task” flow step.
    • Users would select from predefined task types (e.g., “Call,” “Email,” “Meeting,” etc.).
    • The selected task type would be mapped to the corresponding Salesforce task type upon synchronization.
  • Impact Assessment:

    • Minimal impact on existing functionality.
    • Requires UI adjustments and backend logic for task type mapping.